This project is based on 2D Shooter Assignment from "Game Design and Development: 2D Shooter" from Coursera (Michigan State University).

Credits: Alex Curtis

Modifications made separate from the course:

  • Added a collecting mechanism so the game includes both shooting and object collection. The only type of collectible that exists right now is a coin (fully animated), but the approach taken is in no way coupled to graphic.
  • Added a gradual, cohesive progression - the first two levels are very basic to introduce the separate mechanisms (shooting, and separately collecting) followed by a third level which combines the two and increases difficulty significantly.
  • Added goal display (enemies and coins remaining) so the player understands the objectives of the level, and what is remaining.
  • Added custom music to the third and final stage. This is music that I made in entirety.

Note for the MacOS X download, you must run two commands from the terminal on the .app file after extracting it from the .zip (at least this is the case if running Big Sur):

  • sudo chmod -R 755
  • sudo xattr -r -d


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